Wildlife on Romanian Stamps

Due to the variety of its relief and of the lower industrialization of certain regions, Romania still preserves a lot from its original flora and fauna.

1984. Pelicans of the Danube Delta. 1985. Wildlife Conservation. 1985. Wildlife Conservation. 1985. Wildlife Conservation. 1984. Pelicans of the Danube Delta.

One can find here some wild beast that have disappeared in other regions of Europe.

1976. Red deer. 1985. Lynx and Retezat Mountains. 1976. Boar.
1976. Red Fox. 1976. Brown Bear.

The Delta of Danube, the second biggest European river, is an unique place in what concerns the variety of its population of birds.

1977. Mute Swan. 197. White-headed Ruddy Duck 1977. Egyptian Vultur. 1977. Kingfisher.

Some Nice Flowers

1971. Pomegranate Flower. 1971. Slipperwort. 1971. Lily. 1971. Mimulus. 1971. Morning Glory.



Q: Why have you shown the flowers?  Is there anything specifically Romanian about these flowers?  As I see them, these flowers grow everywhere in Europe. It would be nice if you would write something about them to indicate why they are special for your page.

A: May I remind you "Le Petit Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry? The prince loved a flower, but suddenly he observed that his flower is just one among many, many others, very similar ones. Confronted with this problem, he suddenly understood that his flower is special to him because it was in his care and also because he has chosen to love this one for reason that only his heart could explain. That's maybe the explanation why the flowers of my country, flowers that I know well because I have grown among them, are nicer for me than many rare, special or exotic ones, from my country of from abroad. That should be the reason why I have chosen to show these very flowers, so nicely reproduced on the above stamps.

Background: Ion Andreescu, Trees in Blossom, 1880?, The National Art Museum of Romania, Bucharest.

Revised: 09/10/01.
 Copyright © 1999 - 2001 by Victor Manta, Switzerland. 
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